Kevin has been wonderful to keep everyone posted, and I want to thank you all so much foryour patience waiting on an update. So many of you have prayed with us and sent cards and called. Many have asked if they can help with meals ect. A special thanks to Charlie Staffords sunday school class for a week of meals. My crew doesn't eat alot so three meals were plenty with left overs our fridge was running over. There always seems to be someone bringing a meal at the right time. I must offer my apololgy to all those who have called and I have yet to call back. When I have excess energy I am not up to chatting lately. I am really focusing on Kevin and the kids and being as normal as possible. We are all adopting to the new normal. Thank you also to our Sunday School class Kevin has the honor to lead for understanding our absence the last few weeks . Now that the summer time activities are calming down he is looking very much forward to resuming with everyone in the coming weeks. He will probably be attending the classes by himself for the most part,only because of the energy it takes to due both church and Sunday School. You all have been wonderful.
The Summer has been packed with trips and family visits and birthday parties. JAcob turned 7years old and Merideth turned 11. The children are excited about getting back to school. We love their school Bay Shore Christian. The school has become very centering for the children with friends and faculty support. It is a prayer of ours that Bay Shore will continue through High School.
I have not been able to get out alot due to the heat and nausea. We do make the most of our days with, summer reading, family games,movies,and at night when it's cool we all will go get in the hot tub. My sister Lynn who lives in Bangor, MAine visited with her fiance and her children in June. My brother will be coming in Tuesday July 31 to visit for the week. We will make and attempt to spend that week at the beach if I am up to it. We take everyday one day at a time. Dot my sis and kindred heart has been here this week and will be here off and on taking care of me and the kids and Kevin. Ken and Katrina (my brother and sister-in-law )have been wonderful to helpwith the kids and meals and any where we need a helping hand. Kevin is haveing surgery on his shoulder on August 9. This will be out patient ,but will incapacitate him for a few weeks. We are hoping my Aunt can come during this time for a week or so while Dot has to head back to Cleveland for some Football Shindigs with her hubby. So as you can tell it is taking a village to pull all this off. Isn't it a wonderful peace that Gods worked out these details even if we don't know what they are yet.
I will share with you that we have recently begun a book called Heaven for kids. It is what we have adopted in the evening as a family time to read through this book that extensively answers questions the children have on heaven. Kevin and I are reading the adult version and as and adult and a christian it has brought alot of encouragement and peace to our home on questions about heaven with the scripture to back up.
So whats up with me? The palative chemo therapy is not strong enough to irraticate the cancer. The acytis (fluid) build up is costant. It is slow but evident. I have a wheel chair to assist me when I get out of the house for any length of time. The Coastal Hospice has been involved for about three weeks now and they have been wonderful. Please ,I ask all of you who read this not to see this use of hospice not as a sign of surrender but more of an assistant. To the children we just call it nurse care that makes all our lives alittle easier. The last thing we want is for someone to make a comment to the children about hospice and the negative thoughts that brings. It has been our experience that it is usually not an adult that says something to the children but a child that has over heard an adult conversation and repeated it to them. So if those who have children could guard what is said in front of the children we would greatly appreciate it.
Kevin and I have one foot in the super natural asking the Lord for healing and one foot in the real world tending to the details and preparation of our lives and children, should the Lord in his Soverien plan choose to take me home to heaven. I would be less than honest if I didn't say that this summer has been difficult. Probably one of the hardest parts is not knowing what each day holds. HAving the mind of a young 35 year old and my body just won't cooperate. Most of my Christian life I have been urged to live one day at a time, but I can say Kevin and I both as well as the whole family has walkded there. So there is the low down. I hope that this info can ease just a few of the many questions and concerns.
We are so blessed to have you all our Bay Shore Family,our FFF family, our Cottagehill, and North Mobile family, and all our friends. My Husbands company has been wonderfully supportive as he has needed time to help with me. With all that has been said today I want to end letting you know we give God all the glory for his ever faithful provision and love. WE love you all!!!Kevin and I will be lifting you all up as the Lord brings you to mind and also as you prepare your own families for the comeing school year. God bless!!!
Jennifer, you are such an awesome Mom. I pray for you very often and your family comes to my mind many times every day. We are so thankful you & Kevin stepped out to help start a new Sunday School class, and we do look forward to the time when you both can be back with us but we totally understand that you are both where you need to be for now.
Thank you for updating your blog. It's good to "hear" from you about your family, your kids and every day life around your house.
Please let us know if there's any way we can help.
Daisy McVay
I hope you read these comments, Jen and Kevin. I have been wanting to call you, and have tried to e-mail, but really just want you to know how much you are in our prayers and constant thoughts. We love you and admire you for the strength you've had this summer, especially. God has brought you through and to so much, and it's encouraging to hear how you handle it all. I wish we were closer to you - if the dr. would let me travel in the next few weeks, we'd surely come for a visit (baby is due in about a month!!). We love you bunches and hope to hear from you soon!
David and Ginger
I just wanted to let you guys know how much I love you. I have not seen you in probably 6 or so years, but you are in my prayers on a daily basis. Jenn, you are such a special person. You have always been an inspiration to me in your walk with Christ. Thank you for the testimony that you are to me daily! Thanks for the update. I keep up with you guys through my parents. We love you and will continue to send many prayers to the Lord on your behalf.
Hi Jennifer,
My name is Tonya Wesson, and I am a cousin to Jana Foster. She asked me to pray for you a few years ago, and you have been in my prayers ever since. Whenever I would see Jana I would ask about you. You are so dear to her heart. I also have friends that attend Faith Family and I got an email to pray for you recently, and I responded that I have been for years already! Then, I was walking over to visit with my neighbor, Serah Carrier and I got to meet your beautiful daughter Merideth as she was playing with Blair. I thought, this is such a coincidence, however, we know with God that all things have a purpose. God has really placed your name on my heart many times thru others, and I will continue to pray for you. Your strength and faith are so inspiring and I know you are in "Holy Hands" and may you find peace and healing there.
With love, Tonya
I was thinking of you the other day, I am due for my 5 yr check up and I have to tell you I was much more brave during my cancer than I have been for the past 5 yrs. Anyway, when I thought of you, I remember when I was working at the church, you were always up there helping with whatever needed to be done. I remembered once you offered to disciple me, and of course being older than you, I was offended. Oh my spiritual immaturity!! I would give anything now if I had taken you up on that offer. You have impacted me far more than you know. Get well and ask if you can disciple me, I won't turn you down again.
You are covered in prayer,
Laura Lambert
Hey Jen,
You, Kev, and the Kids are always in my thoughts. Years ago when we all meet, I didn't imagine the road we travel on now. I know our roads are different, but also so much the same. Ivee is doing great and learning to try to get to teh sitting position. I you ever feel like having a visit from her, let me know and we'll come over to see you, and help out also. Remember, the kids are welcome at my home at anytime. I really mean that. We want to have them here. I leave for NYC tomorrow. Thought of your sister, Dorothy..right? Well, just know I am always thinking of you guys. Love you! Hope
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