Monday, April 9, 2007

Good evening my brothers and sisters,
I am going to be brief tonight, only because my sleep depravation topped off with my eagerness to lay in the bed beside my bride will overtake me and my ability to hang with the keyboard.
SHE is Home!!! Praise HIM, and thank you from the depths of thankfulness. Boy, that is a deep thank you.... Yes, its silly time with Kev. Anyway, it is so good to be home and together, one more thing that seemingly appears to be taken for granted. My prayer tonight is that Jenny will rest with sweet sleep and that the fluid will quickly begin to diminish; it is uncomfortable to her tummy and her legs and knees are very swolen. Please join with me in that request. I am so thankful to God for all my friends and family that he has blessed Jenny, the kids and I; I am most definately the most blessed man in Loxley. Yes, once again another opportunity to be me (goofy). Salutations for the night my beloved, and know that I love you all and pray that The Jehovah God will enlarge your territory and do whatever it takes to grow closer to Him in these last days...


Teresa Persons said...

PRAISE GOD! I know all of you are so happy to have our girl home! We love you guys!


angweissgerber said...

WOW!!What great news that Jen is already home... Matt and I pray for your family daily. Please let us know how we can help. You all have blessed our hearts by your strength through this long road. You all are loved!!! The Weissgerber's

Mel said...

Tony and I are praying for you.We serve a mighty God!! We love you!